No hidden fees or surprise charges
These prices include classroom & on-the-water training plus ASA certifications for the ASA courses.
Enrollments can be bundled at 5%-15% discounts. Also see our Combos for what current combination packages are available.
Speak to an enrollment specialist at (510) 535-1954 or email via Contact Us
Course Prices 2025
Afterguard and ASA Courses
School Member Rate
Regular Rates
ASA 110 Small Boat Sailing
2 sail days + 1 grad sail, T=15hr
Learn to sail small boats 8'-12'. Enjoy the thrill of being so close and in tune with the elements. Jack London considered the ones who can handle sailing a small rig, to be the true mariners. Come find out why yourself!
Independent Grad Sail on small boat =4hr
First small boat charter after grad at half price
Introduction to Sailing (BK1)
2 sail days + 1 grad sail, T=18hr
Excellent for those who have never sailed and want ASA 101+
or just want to be helpful when aboard a boat. Learn the language of sailing and how to help operate a boat as crew. After this course can
start getting your friend's sailing jokes ;)
Graduation Sail: Half-day group practice =4hr
ASA 101 Basic Keelboat 1
1 lecture + 2 sail days +1 grad sail, T=20hr
First level ASA Certification. Start your Skipper training.
Can take in combination with BK1 or,
if can pass BK1 test, can take take just one weekend of ASA 101
Graduation Sail: Half-day group practice =4hr
BK1 and ASA 101 combined
1 lecture + 4 sail days + 2 grad sails, T=38hr
These two courses combined give you the most solid foundation to build skills from. Learn the language, how to crew, learn to direct a crew
Even if not new to sailing, this is still an excellent set of courses.
2x Graduation Sails: Half-day group practices =8hr
ASA 103 Basic Coastal Cruising
2 lectures + 4 sail days + 1 independent grad sail, T=38hr
Quantum Leap from 101 foundation to become a confident skipper. Can rent/skipper boats up to 31' after this course to sail beyond the Estuary to the Bay Bridge. Sail from SF Pier 40 to Clipper cove.
Graduation Sail: Half-day group practice =4hr
ASA 105 Coastal Navigation
4 classroom days, or 6 evenings combination, T=28hr
Scheduled over 2 weekends or as a series of weekday evenings.
If not ready within class time to take the test, we keep helping you till you have the knowledge and skills needed to safely navigate.
Get a discount for combination (105+117) or Full Nav set (105+117+107)
ASA 104 Bare Boat Chartering
3 sail days &2 nights aboard + 1 graduation sail, T=38hr
Plan ahead with our staff and classmates for a 3 day adventure. Learn what how to prepare for cruising. Will be using navigation skills from the planning stage on. 1 night Sail to a harbor for checking winds and tidal heights. Another night enjoy being at anchor. Everyone cooks onboard. Have to plan menus and provision the boat.
Can rent/skipper boats up to 45'. Can sail all of SF Bay after this course.
Graduation sail: Docking, Anchoring & Mooring Clinic
First bareboat charter after grad =25% discount
ASA 118 Docking Endorsement
3 sail days, T=25hr if through ASA 103 or equal skills
2 days, T=15hr if hold ASA 104 & 114, or for experienced sailors only
Dock an assortment of boats from 23'-46', monohull and cats, outboard and inboard, left and right rudder. Includes Med-Moor using catamaran twin screws. Can take 1st day after ASA103 + 2 days after either ASA104 BareBoat with after ASA 114 Catamaran optional.
Graduation sail: half-day group practice =4h
First bare-boat charter after grad =25% discount
$795 $ 955
ASA 114 Multi-hull Cruising
2 sail days, T=14hr
To charter in benign areas - LA, San Diego, Florida, TX or FL
Not for SF Bay, upper East Coast, the Med, or south seas.
ASA 114 Multi-hull Cruising
3 sail days, T=21hr
Opens the door to worldwide Cat charters. The 3 day version of this course is needed to meet IPC requirements. Also the 3 day course is needed to charter cats SF Bay, and most areas beyond.
First bare-boat cat charter after grad =25% discount
106 Skill prep or confirmation Pre-Course
2.5 days, T=20h
Prerequisites ASA101, 103, 104 +105, and if multihull 114.
Rent/share the boat then sail with an instructor 30mi offshore. Most common destination is Half Moon Bay. Required before 106 to achieve offshore crew roles. Can be repeated until ready for 5-day ASA 106.
106 Offshore Prep Combo
6 days, T=42h
Prerequisites ASA101, 103, 104 +105, and if multihull 114.
Includes: 1d COB drills practice, 2d Heavy Weather Strategies, 1d Sea Legs, 2d Offshore Boat Prep
Required before 106 to achieve offshore crew roles. Can be customized for achieving all skills necessary to be ready for 5-day ASA 106.
ASA 106 Advanced Coastal Cruising
5 days & 4 nights aboard + 1 graduation sail, T=58hr
Prerequisites: ASA101, 103, 104 +105, (114 if multihull)
and 106 Pre-Course or Offshore Prep Combo
Can take it on monohull or catamaran. Sail to Monterey, or as long as able, then back up the coast.
Special versions: Coastal to Santa Barbara in May, PNW flotilla in July
Graduation sail: 1st Sunday Sail =8h
First bare-boat charter after grad =25% discount
ASA 117 Celestial Navigation
3hr evening + 1 day, T=11hr
Prerequisite: ASA 105
Learn how a sextant works and the different ways to use it. A field trip to Ballena Bay in Alameda for noon sites.
Our wonderful teacher brings with him a little museum. His love for navigation is just contagious!
​Textbook included
Grad Bonus: 5% discount for ASA117 Enrollment
107 Full Celestial
4 classroom days, T= 32hr
Prerequisites: ASA 105 and 117
The extra notch! Prepares for casual Offshore and serious Cruising.
​Textbook included
Grad Bonus: 5% discount for ASA106 Enrollment
ASA Course Challenge
1 day per cert, T=7h
Can challenge any ASA course. Pass the written exam first. Time on the water reflected in this price is 4 hr. If your challenge takes longer, continuing rate is $95 per hour. No guarantee. If do not pass, a challenge defines what is missing and the best continuation path. Can direct to where to start a full ASA class or if only a little is missing in skills, can tailor a course to fill in.
If enrolling in next ASA Class, 1 grad practice included
$395 + Boat rental
$475 + boat rental
Other Afterguard Courses
School Member Rate
Full Price
Diesel Engine Care & Maintainance, 2d
Learn on engine at our site or docks. Might be able to take a look over your boat, at an hourly rate.
Outboard Engines Demystified
1 day
Anchoring and Mooring
1 day
Crew Overboard - 5 ways back + opts for reboard
1 day
Asym Spinnaker for Monohulls
1 day
Estuary Spinnaker Basics - Monohulls 23-34' boat
1 day
Spinnaker on SF Bay for Monohulls
1 evening, 2 days (pre-req Estuary basics or exp.)
Offshore Sea Legs - per day
(multi-days discounts)
Offshore Boat Preparation - gear/boat prep
(multi-days discounts)
Heavy Weather Strategies - 2 days
Night Sailing, Live Crew Overboard...Need a special Course or aboard your boat? Just ask!
Practice and Fun Sails
School Member Rate
Regular Rate
Half Day Group Practice Sail, 3-4h
Daylight savings May-Aug: Thursdays 5-8pm
All Year: 2nd, 3rd, 4th Sundays 12-4pm
(return before sunset)
(can apply the monthly member credit)
First Sunday Sail: full day sail
(can apply the monthly member credit)
Youth/Kids Summer Camps
School Member Rate
Full Price
Summer Camp: Basic Small Boat (week 1)
Small Boat Mates & Skipper (week 2)
Small Boat Play & Practice (week 3)
Small Boat Explorers (week 4)
Full 4 week Small Boat Series Combo
Pre-paid course policy,
"No Refunds." But, the $ value paid does not expire nor the course cost change for 1 yr if a delay in taking the course.
Can change what was purchased to a different course, or to charters or gift your enrolled course(s) to someone else.
After one year, may need to update amount paid to current prices via a small add-on expense.
Use of purchases at member rates, requires active membership to schedule. If lapsed, will need to renew membership.