Afterguard Membership Options
There is a one time $575 membership initiation cost to become a member.
This fee is waived if enrolling in three or more courses when joining as a member.
First year's membership dues is required paid in advance. After the first year can change to monthly, quarterly or continue annually for the 1 free month advantage of pre-paid dues.
If drop but want to join again, Membership can be reinstated with a reinstatement fee of $59 + 3mo dues.

Save big as a charter member
Charter Members can enjoy the special rates of 20% off courses and 40% off charter fleet rates, plus many social sailing benefits. Monthly Member Credit $59, to use for the Group Practice Sails and women's special Friday practice sails. Afterguard Members are invited to special events, and enjoy cross membership in Oakland sailing Meetup. Lots to keep you sailing and meeting others who love to sail.
Dues Monthly rates:
$59 Solo, $99 Duo,
$170 Group up to 4, courses & chartering together
Pay yearly and get 12 months practice sails for each in the group paying for 11 months. Free 1 months practice sail pr year.
Annually: $650 solo, $1090 Duo, $1925 Group
Option to "PAUSE":
If out of area or country for more than a month, can contact the office by email or phone to "PAUSE" up to 3 practice sails. Can make use of saved practice sails when you return by sailing more than once in a month or bringing a friend or family member.
Fleet: Basic Fleet 23 =6 boats, Mid level fleet 25-31'=4 boats,
32-35' =4 boats, 45' =1 boat, Catamarans =2 boat,
Dinghy 8-12' =10 boats Inflatables 8-12' =3 boats
= 29 watercraft + 1 houseboat for members or students for overnight
Chief members: sail as often as you like on 23' fun boats. Great choice to improve skills.
Chief Members, carry forward all the benefits of a Charter Members, and have unlimited use our Ranger 23' fleet --- if certified to ASA103.
Need Competent Crew or First Mate onboard.
Duo Members can rent independently of their member partner.
Chief members can rent Skipper member boats for the difference between their monthly dues and the charter rate for that boat.
Must have your own towing insurance for saltwater(!),
plus the CA Boater's Card.
NEW Benefits: A 1 day refresher for any boat you have not sailed
plus an hour for outboard whispering included!
Monthly rate: $275 Solo, $455 Duo
Annually (save1mo) =11mo: $3025 Solo, $4999 Duo,
6 Ranger 23' sail boats

Skipper Members: all-you-can-sail on boats 23'-31'
Skipper Members carry forward all the benefits of a Chief Member and have unlimited use of 2 size groups of vessels, once certified to ASA 103.
Can take boats 23' - 32' with 1 competent crew or First Mate onboard.
Duo Members can rent independently of their member partner.
Skipper members can rent Captain Member boats for the difference between a month's dues and that boat's charter rate.
Must have your own towing insurance for saltwater(!), plus the CA Boater's Card.
NEW Benefits: Guided walk-through and ASA 118 docking clinic refresher for any boat a member has not sailed.
Monthly rate $395 Solo, $655 Duo
Pay Annually=11mo: $4345 Solo, $7195 Duo
6 Ranger 23', 1 Cal-2 25',
Ericson 27', Santana 30'', Pearson 31'
= 10 boats
Captain Members:
all-you-can-sail on boats 23'-35'
Captain Members sail a full range of boats 23-35' once certified to ASA 104. Can take boats out to the central SF Bay and beyond. Can take boats overnight or for multiple days with min of 1 qualified First Mate if docking at night. If anchoring or using moorings first mate must have ASA 103 or be checked out to needed skills to assist.
Duo Members can rent independently of their member partner.
Captain members can rent Premium boats for the difference between a month's dues and that boat's charter rate.
If taking a dinghy and outboard - reg $100 pr day
Captain Member cost is $75 pr day.
Must have your own Boat US towing insurance for saltwater(!),
plus the CA Boater's Card.
NEW Benefits: Nav intro refresher and 1 day diesel engine troubleshooting workshop. Guided walk through for any boat that is new to the member plus docking practice with it.
Monthly rate: $575 Solo , $955 Duo
Pay Annually =11mo: $6325 Solo, $10,499 Duo
(6) Ranger 23', (1)Cal-2 25', Ericson 27',
Santana 30', Pearson 31', Pearson 32',
Valiant 32', Targa 34', Hunter 35.5'
=14 boats

Afterguard Membership Benefits
Membership is a great way to advance knowledge and to have easy affordable access to a fleet of boats. Makes you part of Afterguard Family. Start and end your sail from a welcoming place to share your sailing adventures.
If sign up for membership, after enrolling in a course at full price, can get a Retroactive member discount up to 30 days
Save 20% on all courses
Save 40% on boat rentals
Unlimited boat use options (see Membership Tiers)
Monthly Practice sails offered every week. Can apply 1 dues credit (value = $55 for each member either solo or group). Option, can apply $55 credit to the 1st Sunday full day Bay Sail
Birthday Gifts – free practice sail in your birthday month if you put your birthday on your member account.
Priority for sign-ups - first call to enroll in limited space courses, destination sails and special events
Sign up for the Crew Call Group: crewing options for skippered charters
Access to our in-house library: Sailing Books, Movies, Games, and extensive Music collection on vinyl
Member Events: Holiday Potluck Dinners and Summer BBQs, Treasure Hunts, Special Sails (Jan 1st Around the Isle, Fleet Opening Day sails, Fleet Week on board observation group outing, Thanksgiving Raft-up, Lighted Boat Parade…)
Members who want to learn to work on boats, can help with restoration projects, to better understand boat care.
Afterguard is a Friendly Sailing Community. If you don't have crew to go sailing, we can help.