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Our Team


Captain Mary Swift-Swan

Mary SwiftSwan, began teaching sailing in 1984, beginning with teaching Spinnaker on San Francisco Bay. In 1985 obtained a US Coast Guard 6 passenger license and American Sailing Association (ASA) instructor certifications for 101-106 (Beginning through Advanced Coastal). Started first sailing school in 1987, Swift Sailing. Later followed by Sailing Connection 1993-1995 and Afterguard Sailing Academy since 2003.


Was successful in obtaining college accreditation for the CSU/UC systems for a college version she designed from the ASA courses in 1996. Mary was the first woman ASA Instructor Evaluator certified in 1997. Created a Bay and offshore program at the request of Lake Merritt when in it's prime. With the help of the respected Lake Merritt program developed ASA 110. Was chosen out of 100 I.E.s by ASA to write as part of a 4-author team, plus Harry Munns as editor, for ASA’s first-level books - 101 and 103, published in 2010 & 2012. Known for impactual COB study on SF Bay.

Photo of Ani Tiganasu

Ani Tiganasu

Originally from Romania, this multi-lingual world traveler has been with Afterguard since 2017. She is now tackling fleet projects, and helps with enrollments and general office matters. 

She has accumulated most of the ASA courses.  She became immersed in the Bay Area sailing scene finding her calling after her first sailing trip in the estuary. She holds dear her 33' tiller sailboat, and still is in awe with the joy that sailing brings to her.


1st MATE

Mate-T is 22 yr old. He is a very experienced service boy. He has the old-man cough to where he sounds like a train-a-coming as he follows Mary around Afterguard. 

Photo of Anthony Schwab

Anthony Schwab

Anthony is nicknamed 'Mr Fix It'. He can fix almost anything. He fixes our project boats, all engines; both inboard and outboard, and much more.  We are so lucky he works with Afterguard. Hi patience with engines has been of great value in working with beginning students teaching BK1 and ASA 101. 


Anthony is a California Native, born in the East Bay. He has been sailing for many years. He has owned both power and sailboats since his first adventurous introduction. Anthony's favorite color is 'Sage' and his favorite season is "all of them". 

Photo of Jim Angelo

Jim Angelo

Originally from Boston, Jim settled into the Bay Area after a Coast Guard career of almost 25 years, including almost seven years “Sea Time” on board three different “cutters.” He currently instructs the BK1, ASA 101, and ASA 103 courses. 


His sailing experience dates back to 2008, and he re-certified his skills with Afterguard in 2011 in a volunteer capacity. In addition to his sailing acumen, Jim is a seasoned leader and manager in both logistical and operational environments, and he has an affinity for Maritime Lingo. 


Jim is married, with children and grandchildren, and he resides in Richmond, in the East Bay. His wife and he are novice and adventurous kayakers as well…

Photo of Doug Macpherson

Doug Macpherson

Doug grew up in New England learning to sail there on the coast and local lakes.  His first introduction to celestial navigation was as a deck officer in the United States Navy.


That initial training has turned into a lifetime hobby and Doug loves to introduce others to the fascinating art of finding one’s way across the world’s oceans with the sun, moon and stars.


He holds a USCG Master’s 100-ton sail and power license and a majority of the ASA teaching certifications.

Tom and Megan Coming home

Captain Tom Abbott

Tom and Megan Laney double handed to HI. They lived aboard for  a year then sailed back to SF Bay. Megan helps with fleet management and office coverage. She also races her boat Alley Cat in the Estuary and more often with Tom and half the Afterguard team aboard. 


Tom started as a student. Purchased a boat and it was all a reach from there. He has crossed to HI 3 times. Has switched from the IT world to sailing. 


Erik Elasik

Retired from USCG, Erik has taken the series of courses from student through instructor levels. In Sept 2024 Erik completed ASA206 becoming one of 2 new 106 instructors for offshore courses for mono and multi-hulls. Yes he has a day job but his love of being on the water is not daunted and is available to share the sea.


Rachael Haight

Rachael has started the Ladies Sail Time practice sails 2 times a month. Rachel is a full time ED Nurse for Kaiser. She took a year to sail half way around the world in the Clipper Cup. Saw not enough women willing to take on the roles needed due to lack of confidence. This is how to get there. Have fun sailing with other women. 


Wes Riley

 Wes always wanted to be on a boat as a child, but he never had any access.  In 2022 he took a kayaking class on little Lake Natoma in Sacramento, where he asked if there were any classes for sailing dinghies he saw tied to the dock.  They were great but he soon wanted to escape the confines of a lake. Then he found Afterguard.  He’s been in love with sailing ever since. In trying to spend as much time on the water as he can, Wes began teaching as part of the youth program and intro sailing team.

When he’s not drawn away by the allure of two-wheeled land-based adventures, and there is something about background nagging from a “day job ” that he needs to get rid of so he can do this all the time.

Photo of Steve Swan

Steve Swan - RIP

Steve Swan was an instigating/originating partner with Mary SwiftSwan. He left for new venues for his many talents and interests beyond our world 4/2016

Photo of Christine Kay

Christine Kay

Christine has both, artistic and practical inclinations, and she can do anything she wants. After the flood, the shack storage shelves needed to be rebuilt. She grabbed the tools and got it done. You need help to enroll, charter or join a practice sail, Christine has got you. She is now stepping into the Office Manager position.


Angela Woodall

Angela has taken most of the ASA and though has experience sailing in many locations, she is back in the Bay Area. She has joined our Office Crew helping with enrollments, grant applications and developing programs. She is providing her expertise in sailing to the Ladies Sail Time outings. She has also launched a new training project for sailing ladies: Salvage To Sail.

Photo of Aleks Kay

Aleksander Kay

Aleks as an active USCG engineer currently on land duty. After taking all the student level courses he began the internship by teaching BK1 courses to develop skills and sea time for his USCG license. He is a natural instructor. Aleks has completed ASA 101-106 and 201-206 courses at Afterguard.  Him and his wife Christine, our Office Manager :) have joined Kevin and Mary in leading our destination trips.


Ramsey Ismail

Retired from the Oakland Fire Department Ramsey  took all the courses through ASA 106. He began the instructor training program and hasn't looked back. He loves to teach and shares his love of sailing with all who are lucky enough to have him as their instructor. 

Photo of Tom Hurley

Captain Tom Hurley

Tom Hurley began sailing when Eisenhower was president of the United States, learning and practicing skills aboard family boats ranging from El Toros to 42 ft gaff cutters sailing upon the San Francisco and the Monterey bays, and along the California coast.


Tom had to cut back on boating and sailing during college, building a business and raising a family of 3 kids. Yes his wife is real.  In 2009 Tom Hurley was able to return to his passion for the water, serving aboard the B-Z 1, a small tow boat operating in the Mare Island straits. Leading to obtaining a USCG Merchant Mariner Certificate as Master 50 ton Inland.


Tom Hurley is an active member of the USCG Auxiliary Flotilla  11N- 5-2. He is a: Recreational Boating Saftey Program Visitor, teaching Boating Saftey;  HazMat First Responder, Seamanship Specialist, and Patrols Specialist. Tom Hurley has been certified in several of the ASA instructor ratings and has maintained a long relationship with Afterguard Sailing as both charter skipper and instructor.

Tom Hurley currently owns and operates boats as  a small business the "Brick Shiphouse" in Benicia California.

Photo of Gunther Hoffman

Gunter Hoffman

Gunther learned to sail over 20 years ago in Germany on a Bavarian mountain lake. Since moving to the US in 2000, he sailed on everything from dinghies to keelboats on the San Francisco Bay.  In 2007, Gunther, his brother and their 70-year old father took a week course of ASA-101 and 103 classes in celebration of their father’s 70th birthday with Afterguard. Gunther continued with Afterguard, through 106-Advanced Coastal Cruising. He works as an engineer, is raising a family, a musician and acquired ASA teaching credentials. Gunther is an excellent 105 Coastal Nav and destination charter 104/114 course instructor.

Joe Flatley Faralones Race 2017_edited.j

Joe Flatley

Docking the Cat at Treasure Island many years ago, Joe was the first to offer a hand. Has certs 101-107 plus 114. He is able to teach Small boat to 101. In this selfie he is single handing around the Farallon Islands. Joe has taken his boat up and down the CA coast. By day he is an Architect. His passion is sailing. 

Photo of Kevin Dundon

Kevin Dundon

Kevin began sailing with Afterguard in 2006. He took a series of lessons that continued till he became an ASA instructor through ASA 105 - Coastal Navigation. Kevin has begun working with Tow Boat US. If he buzzes you, it is all in good fun. He may take your picture.


Kevin is a California native raised in Alameda. His accent is a rare one.


ASAYA project - since 2006
Marvin Jackson
Career as Marine included water safety training. 2nd Career as OPD

After Marvin took ASA 101-104 he wanted more training and opportunity to become a better sailor. He was fully invested in making a difference for Oakland Youth interested in the water and sailing. Jeremy Cavognolo who brought Oakland Street Academy  youth moved out of country but Marvin has stayed with Afterguard being a stellar roll model and mentor for hundreds of youth.

Photo of John

John Zolck

John grew up power boating, however his first sailing experience occurred when he was in the Navy.  In 2008 he took up keelboat sailing on San Francisco Bay.


In addition to sailing, John has taught Problem Solving and Root Cause Analysis in the corporate environment.  In his spare time he enjoys cruising abroad, working as a Business Operations Manager, and being a husband / father of two sailors.

Photo of Capt Rory

Captain Rory MacLysaght - RIP

A sad goodbye to Captain Rory. He left for new adventures sailing the heavens, 3/2025

Afterguard Sailing Academy


1285 Embarcadero
Oakland, CA 94606


Phone: (510) 535-1954



The location of Afterguards base in Oakland

Hours of Operation
12:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Wednesday - Sunday
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Closed Mondays except long holiday weekends

For website issues please contact

© 2025  Afterguard Sailing Academy

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